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Tag Archives: debt
On the Importance of Deflation and Depressions
Deflation, in essence, means a general reduction of prices. As opposed to inflation, deflation allows consumers to buy more goods or services tomorrow with the same money they have today. Savvy consumers will then delay purchases in anticipation they can buy more for less in the future. Continue reading
Posted in Economy, MN Gordon
Tagged currency, debt, debt ceiling, default, deflation, dollar
Mission Accomplished?
About the time the most trusted man in America, Walter Cronkite, signed off from the CBS Evening News for the last time, something momentous happened in the U.S. credit market. Few people, apart from Bill Gross and A. Gary Shilling, understood what was going on. Continue reading
Posted in MN Gordon, Politics
Tagged consumer price index, debt, interest rate, jerome powell, treasuries
Are You the Collateral Damage of Central Planners?
The Conference Board – a nonprofit think tank that delivers cutting edge research – recently published its latest Leading Economic Index (LEI) for the United States. The findings were a giant bummer. In December, the LEI dropped for the tenth consecutive month. Continue reading
Posted in MN Gordon, Politics
Tagged business cycle, central planning, collapse, debt, federal reserve
Debt Ceilings are for Idiots
The great dollar devaluation is the consequence of decades of rampant currency debasement policies. The mechanics are executed in tandem between the Federal Reserve and the Treasury. The Fed supplies the credit – created out of thin air. The Treasury borrows it from the Fed. And spends it. Continue reading
Posted in Government Debt, MN Gordon
Tagged congress, debt, debt ceiling, default, dollar, janet yellen
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