Tag Archives: federal reserve

Fed to End Inflation Fight Before Job is Done

Fed rate cuts in the face of a CPI reading that’s above its inflation target won’t immediately boost economic growth. But they may buy a little relief on the Treasury’s net interest on the debt budget item. So, too, they may serve to incite another inflation flareup. Gold, if you hadn’t noticed, is back over $2,400 per ounce. Continue reading

Posted in Inflation, MN Gordon | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

This Inflation Script Won’t Last

The Shiller’s cyclically adjusted price-to-earnings (CAPE) ratio for the S&P 500 is currently 34.66. This is representative of a stock market that has lost all touch with reality. It even exceeds the 31.48 CAPE ratio hit in 1929, just before the stock market crashed and the onset of the Great Depression. Continue reading

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What You Must Know About Interest Rates

The buzz has faded away. The intoxicating effects of the mass money printing and debt binge during the coronavirus years has come and gone. But the hangover remains. And while the money printing has subsided – for now – the debt binge has continued. Continue reading

Posted in Inflation, MN Gordon | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Policies of Disaster

The world we’ve entered – a world of rising interest rates – is an unfamiliar place. Americans haven’t experienced it in over four decades. But, nonetheless, it is part of the long term, secular movement of the credit cycle. To understand what’s going on, all you need to do is look to the past and key in on several critical inflection points. Continue reading

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