Category Archives: Politics

Why Radical Spending Cuts Are Needed

The International Monetary Fund, a creature birthed at the Bretton Woods Conference in July 1944, turned 80 years old this week. Its bureaucrats are worried. Continue reading

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Something to Crow About

What good would an American presidential election be in the year 2024 without an assassination attempt? Continue reading

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This Inflation Script Won’t Last

The Shiller’s cyclically adjusted price-to-earnings (CAPE) ratio for the S&P 500 is currently 34.66. This is representative of a stock market that has lost all touch with reality. It even exceeds the 31.48 CAPE ratio hit in 1929, just before the stock market crashed and the onset of the Great Depression. Continue reading

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Dollar Debasement as A Matter of Policy

Michelle Mack thought she had it made.  The suburban mom was living the high life with her husband and kids in their $3 million mansion in northern San Diego County. But that was before December 6, 2023.  This was the day police raided her home, put her in handcuffs, took her away in her PJs and slippers, and threw her in the pokey. Continue reading

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