Category Archives: Politics

Tang Ping in the Year of the Dragon

The Chinese New Year begins on Saturday, February 10. According to the Chinese horoscope 2024 is the year of the dragon. Specifically, the wood dragon. Continue reading

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Do You Have a Passion for Political Solutions?

Renewable energy – like defense, education, finance, healthcare, and many others – is an industry that is fueled by government meddling. This creates pockets of apparent wealth that are financed by malinvestment. Continue reading

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The Rapid Closure of America’s Technological Power Gap

After 40 years of rapid globalization, more and more U.S. adversaries – or potential adversaries – have the knowhow and resources to compete for technological dominance. The technological power gap and the cost to fill it plunges with each iteration of Samad drones. In effect, long-range drones, like the Colt 45 of the late-19th century, are the great equalizer. Continue reading

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Has Social Security Run Out of Suckers?

Did you know that the U.S. government has run a budget deficit in the month of October 70 times out of the past 70 fiscal years? Continue reading

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