Tag Archives: dollar

Policies of Disaster

The world we’ve entered – a world of rising interest rates – is an unfamiliar place. Americans haven’t experienced it in over four decades. But, nonetheless, it is part of the long term, secular movement of the credit cycle. To understand what’s going on, all you need to do is look to the past and key in on several critical inflection points. Continue reading

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Does Corporate Greed Cause Inflation?

It cannot be said enough. Inflation starts with the inflation of the money supply. From there, the excess money and credit chases consumer prices higher. So, too, it pumps up both stock and real estate market bubbles. Continue reading

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Why the FOMC Wants to Cut Rates

Capital follows a wide-ranging lifecycle. First it is imagined. Then it is produced. Later it is consumed. Ultimately, it is destroyed. How exactly this all takes place involves varying and infinite undulations over decades and centuries. Continue reading

Posted in Inflation, MN Gordon | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Dollar Debasement as A Matter of Policy

Michelle Mack thought she had it made.  The suburban mom was living the high life with her husband and kids in their $3 million mansion in northern San Diego County. But that was before December 6, 2023.  This was the day police raided her home, put her in handcuffs, took her away in her PJs and slippers, and threw her in the pokey. Continue reading

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