Tag Archives: debt

Policies of Disaster

The world we’ve entered – a world of rising interest rates – is an unfamiliar place. Americans haven’t experienced it in over four decades. But, nonetheless, it is part of the long term, secular movement of the credit cycle. To understand what’s going on, all you need to do is look to the past and key in on several critical inflection points. Continue reading

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Perpetual Motion Machine Finance

Using debt to pay the interest on debt, like some sort of perpetual motion machine, is a dead-end street. Yet this is precisely the direction Washington is taking America’s finances. And no one in Congress can stop it. Continue reading

Posted in Government Debt, MN Gordon | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Gold Is Doing Its Job

Physical gold – and silver – has provided wealth protection in times of chaos for thousands of years. No doubt, it will provide this important service as the consequences of decades of currency debasement and corruption catch up with America. Continue reading

Posted in Government Debt, MN Gordon | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Does Corporate Greed Cause Inflation?

It cannot be said enough. Inflation starts with the inflation of the money supply. From there, the excess money and credit chases consumer prices higher. So, too, it pumps up both stock and real estate market bubbles. Continue reading

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