Tag Archives: monetizing debt

What You Must Know About Interest Rates

The buzz has faded away. The intoxicating effects of the mass money printing and debt binge during the coronavirus years has come and gone. But the hangover remains. And while the money printing has subsided – for now – the debt binge has continued. Continue reading

Posted in Inflation, MN Gordon | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Settling Wreckage from the Past

Settling wreckage from the past with realities of the present can be difficult and painful. If you do the crime. You must do the time. When it comes to financial markets and the economy, this can take many forms. Some of the most common include bankruptcy, shuttered businesses, and collapsing share prices. Continue reading

Posted in MN Gordon, Stock Market | Tagged , , , , | 4 Comments

Would Putin Have Attacked if Oil was $50 per Barrel?

Would Vladimir Putin have attacked if oil was below $50 per barrel? Who knows? But if he had, he would have done so without the extreme leverage he holds over Europe in the midst of a cold winter. Continue reading

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How Central Planners Corrupted the World

The impossible happened in the late-1970s. Inflation and unemployment simultaneously went vertical. Leading economists were baffled. This contradicted their academic training. Continue reading

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