Tag Archives: collapse

Salting the Earth with Money

Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan opened his mouth last Friday to caution on the perils of quantitative easing and artificially suppressed interest rates.  Greenspan also cogitated upon how to put the worms back into the already opened can. What … Continue reading

Posted in Inflation, MN Gordon | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Market Forces and Market Intervention

Stocks sprinted higher on Tuesday, releasing the pent up demand that developed over the long weekend.  The Dow rose 106 points.  According to several headlines we read, Dow stocks were boosted by strong housing and consumer confidence reports. Then, on … Continue reading

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Ignore Banks’ Bearish Statements on Gold

Ignore Banks’ Bearish Statements on Gold By Jeff Clark, Senior Precious Metals Analyst Goldman Sachs has lowered its gold price projections and says the metal is headed to $1,200.  Credit Suisse and UBS are bearish.  Citigroup says the gold bull … Continue reading

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Fighting the Next War

The unemployment rate remains stubbornly high.  But other than that, the economy seems to be pleasantly improving.  Sure the dark clouds on the horizon from Cyprus could take some of the wind out of the stock market’s sails.  Nonetheless, the … Continue reading

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