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Category Archives: Economy
The Upshots of the New Housing Bubble Fiasco
The epic housing bubble and bust in the mid-to-late-2000s was dreadfully disruptive for many Americans. Some never recovered. Now the central planners have done it again… Continue reading
Posted in Economy, MN Gordon
Tagged blackrock, fannie mae, freddie mac, government sponsored enterprises, housing bubble, invitation homes
Bidenvilles for Christmas
Here in the land of fruits and nuts things have always been a little whacky and wild. The people and the politics in the state’s urban centers have the uncanny ability to bring out the worst in each other. The coronavirus travesty has only magnified these character failings. Continue reading
Posted in Economy, MN Gordon
Tagged bidenville, big:leap, long beach, the jungle, tin foil hats
Walking the Path of Self Destruction
The era of stimmy checks and cheap consumer goods was fun while it lasted. Like a hot lunch, it always tastes better when free. The smell is more aromatic. The bites are more flavorful. Most of all, the belly leaves the table more contented. But is a free lunch ever really free? Continue reading
Posted in Economy, MN Gordon
Tagged atlanta federal reserve, gdpnow, government meddling, monetizing debt, no free lunch
Winnie the Pooh’s Adventures In Fairyland
Up until the Evergrande Group began stiffing creditors, Xi Jinping had it made. But being a communist dictator is serious business. And when the Ponzi finance structure underlying your country’s second largest property developer begins cascading down it’s no laughing matter. Continue reading