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Tag Archives: debt
How the Dianne Feinstein Effect Wrecked the Future
Attempting to spend a nation to prosperity using borrowed money at everyday low rates courtesy of the Fed is not without consequences. In the short run, an illusion of wealth can be erected. In the long run, that illusion slips into decay and disrepair. Rising interest rates expedite the failure of fiscal recklessness. Continue reading
Posted in MN Gordon, Politics
Tagged debt, default, dianne feinstein, federal reserve, treasuries
ARMed and Dangerous at the U.S. Treasury
The U.S. government’s 2023 fiscal year ends at the end of the month. Does this excite you? It should. Assuming you care about the reliability of your dollar-based savings, investments, and what Uncle Sam does with the taxes you pay. Continue reading
Posted in Government Debt, MN Gordon
Tagged collapse, consumer price index, crash, debt, taxes, treasuries
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Debt and Destruction
Something’s off. And it’s making life downright unpleasant for a broad cross section of Americans. The average worker, after putting in his 40 hours a week, is coming up short. Cash outflow consistently exceeds cash inflow. Debits overwhelm credits. How could this be? Continue reading
An Urgent Appeal for Duane “The Master of Disaster” Peters
Duane Peters worked really, really hard at being “The Master of Disaster” for over 40-years. Day after day. Year after year. Decade after decade. He gave it his all. It was a tough job. The broken bones. The knocked-out teeth. The many face pummelings. But he was good at it. Continue reading
Posted in Inflation, MN Gordon
Tagged debt, duane peters, interest rate, the master of disaster, treasuries
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