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Category Archives: Stock Market
Finding Opportunities in a Bear Market
“I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people.” The remark was made by Sir Isaac Newton in 1720 upon losing £20,000 – a substantial sum at the time – speculating on South Sea Company stock. The madness of people, as Newton painfully found, is incalculable. It defies logic. Runs on emotion. And is best observed from a safe distance. Continue reading
Posted in MN Gordon, Stock Market
Tagged bear market, collapse, isaac newton, S&P500, south sea bubble
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Settling Wreckage from the Past
Settling wreckage from the past with realities of the present can be difficult and painful. If you do the crime. You must do the time. When it comes to financial markets and the economy, this can take many forms. Some of the most common include bankruptcy, shuttered businesses, and collapsing share prices. Continue reading
The Ugly Transformation of Netflix
Human progress and upset, both real and imagined, is a wide ranging subject. It can logically weave from discussions of indoor plumbing, agronomy and penicillin to thermonuclear weapons, corporate welfare and the ever present consequences of artificially low interest rates. Continue reading
Posted in MN Gordon, Stock Market
Tagged binge watching, growth, netflix, streaming, subscription, value
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What is the Strike Price of the Powell Put?
The Federal Reserve, through a multi-decade series of shady practices, finds itself in a very disagreeable place. Policies of extreme market intervention have positioned the economy and financial markets for an epic bust. Continue reading
Posted in MN Gordon, Stock Market
Tagged cpi, fed put, greenspan put, powell put, strike price