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Category Archives: Inflation
Why the FOMC Wants to Cut Rates
Capital follows a wide-ranging lifecycle. First it is imagined. Then it is produced. Later it is consumed. Ultimately, it is destroyed. How exactly this all takes place involves varying and infinite undulations over decades and centuries. Continue reading
Posted in Inflation, MN Gordon
Tagged dollar, federal reserve, fomc meeting, interest rate, jerome powell
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Have You Bought The BRRR?
Inflation, remember, starts with the inflation of the money supply. Where it runs – and when – isn’t always clear. Several years ago, aided by the coronavirus fiasco, it ran into consumer prices and residential real estate. Continue reading
Posted in Inflation, MN Gordon
Tagged bitcoin, brrr, german inflation, money printing, rudolf von havenstein
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Day of Reckoning
Time, like money, offers a unique marker. Something to count and compare. Something to use for measuring progress – and failure. Continue reading
Posted in Inflation, MN Gordon
Tagged day of reckoning, dollar debasement, gold convertibility, leap year, nixon shock
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Fed’s QT Taper Talks Are Already Behind The Eight Ball
The monitory policy order has changed dramatically over the last five years. For example, March marks the end of the Fed’s Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP). This, coupled with the rapid draining of reserves, suggests the Fed’s plans for tapering QT are already behind the eight ball. Continue reading