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Category Archives: Inflation
Dr. Copper is Talking, Are You Listening?
Dr. Fauci still believes there are precarious levels of COVID-19 cases. But he’s the only one. By now, even the most fearful amongst us have come to a very obvious conclusion. Fauci isn’t a real doctor. He’s a quack. An imposter. A fraud.
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Posted in Inflation, MN Gordon
Tagged chile, copper price, dow 36000, dr. copper, sebastian piner
The Ugly Truth About Printing Press Money
After asset price inflation and wild gambling and speculation comes consumer price inflation…the real wealth destroyer. This is the ugly truth about printing press money. The ugly truth Fed Chair Powell and Treasury Secretary Yellen will never share as they champion the virtues of their policies of mass inflation. Continue reading
Posted in Inflation, MN Gordon
Tagged dollar, free money, janet yellen, jerome powell, john maynard keynes
Fruits Of Inflation Are Blossoming
A bountiful harvest can always be demanded from the land. So, too, a bountiful supply of money can be demanded from the central bank. But remember, in an economy, like a harvest, you reap what you sow. What we mean is all money is not created equal. Continue reading
Posted in Inflation, MN Gordon
Tagged central planning, joe biden, modern monetary theory, ralph waldo emerson, soviet union
Janet Yellen: Too Dumb To Stop
The United States Secretary of the Treasury bears a shameful job duty. They must place their autograph on the face of the Federal Reserve’s legal tender notes. Here, for the whole world to witness, the Treasury Secretary provides signature endorsement; their personal ratification of unconstitutional money. Continue reading
Posted in Inflation, MN Gordon
Tagged dollar, government meddling, illegal money, janet yellen, treasury secretary