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Category Archives: Economy
Loathe for the Stimulus Era
The days in the northern hemisphere inch shorter. The predawn darkness greets us as we step down our front stoop in the morning. Nightfall welcomes us when we return in the evening. Yet while the days inch shorter. The stock market zigs and zags. One day it’s fear. The next day it’s greed. Continue reading
Posted in Economy, MN Gordon
Tagged coronavirus, debt, federal reserve, jerome powell, stimulus
How to Tackle the Depression Head On
By and large, the challenges facing the economy have everything to do with central government. Over the last 40 years, as the Fed and the Treasury colluded to rig the financial system in totality, wealth has become ever more concentrated in fewer and fewer insider hands. The effect over the last decade has been a disparity that’s so magnified few can ignore it. Continue reading
Posted in Economy, MN Gordon
Tagged collapse, congress, economic stimulus, federal reserve, government meddling
Your Figuring Central Planners At Work
The central planners never hit their inflation targets. But, in spraying the economy with birdshot, they cause massive disruption. This aside, assuming the central planners at the Fed could target price inflation, what rate of inflation would they precisely pinpoint? Continue reading
Posted in Economy, MN Gordon
Tagged central planning, federal reserve, inflation targeting, jerome powell, robert kaplan
Best Laid Schemes
The grand plans of our local officials in Long Beach have been foiled by the coronavirus bug. After seven years of construction, at a cost of $1.5 billion, they can’t even hold a proper ribbon-cutting. Continue reading
Posted in Economy, MN Gordon
Tagged best laid schemes, bonnie lowenthal, gerald desmond bridge replacement, long beach, port, robert burns, to a mouse