Tag Archives: quantitative easing

How to Seize the Day with the Mother of All Speculations

“Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero,” scrawled Latin poet, Horace, in 23 BC. The common translation for this fabled ode is, “Seize the day, put very little trust in tomorrow.”  Indeed, its meaning can be easily misconstrued.  Does it mean … Continue reading

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How to Get Something for Nothing

The taste of a free lunch is always much richer.  The smell is more aromatic.  The taste is more flavorful.  Most of all, the belly leaves the table more contented. But a free lunch is never really free.  We thought … Continue reading

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Fed Policy Reduction

To sharpen the mind and calibrate the senses we begin with an old paradox… “A man says that he is lying,” posited fourth century BC Greek philosopher Eubulides of Miletus.  “Is what he says true or false?” You tell us…  … Continue reading

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Where Does the Money Come From?

This week revealed fresh evidence that things may get worse for the economy before they get better.  Obviously, this is not the direction we’d wish to see things go.  But rarely do we get what we wish for. This new … Continue reading

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