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Tag Archives: janet yellen
How Central Planners Corrupted the World
The impossible happened in the late-1970s. Inflation and unemployment simultaneously went vertical. Leading economists were baffled. This contradicted their academic training. Continue reading
Posted in MN Gordon, Politics
Tagged federal reserve, government meddling, janet yellen, jerome powell, joe biden, monetizing debt
Will Larry Summers Save the World Again?
Modern macroeconomics is a boring and dreary trade. The monthly report outs on GDP, unemployment, inflation, and other data aggregates, are a dull waste of time. What decisions could you possibly make to improve your lot in life from these data reports? Continue reading
Posted in MN Gordon, Politics
Tagged committee to save the world, federal reserve, janet yellen, jerome powell, larry legend, larry summers
The Fed’s Two Disagreeable Choices
Dr. Fauci – a quack – is disturbed by all the holdouts. He wants to “full-court press” the selfish anti-vaxxers who refuse to take one for the team. Continue reading
Posted in Inflation, MN Gordon
Tagged federal reserve, government meddling, interest rate, janet yellen, jerome powell
The Ugly Truth About Printing Press Money
After asset price inflation and wild gambling and speculation comes consumer price inflation…the real wealth destroyer. This is the ugly truth about printing press money. The ugly truth Fed Chair Powell and Treasury Secretary Yellen will never share as they champion the virtues of their policies of mass inflation. Continue reading
Posted in Inflation, MN Gordon
Tagged dollar, free money, janet yellen, jerome powell, john maynard keynes