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Tag Archives: federal reserve
The Secret to Fun and Easy Stock Market Riches
On Tuesday, at the precise moment Federal Reserve Chairman Jay Powell commenced delivering his semiannual monetary policy report to the House Financial Services Committee, something unpleasant happened. The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) didn’t go up. Rather, it went down. Continue reading
Posted in MN Gordon, Stock Market
Tagged djia, federal reserve, jerome powell, monetary policy, president trump
The Impulses of Lunar Fed Policy Under Repo Madness
The Fed, through its repo madness program, has supplied financial markets – including big banks like JP Morgan – with mass liquidity. But that’s not all. The Fed’s also supplied financial markets with a highly tenuous assumption: The Fed will never allow the lack of liquidity of a major debtor to become an insolvency crisis that contracts the money supply. This assumption, without question, will be proven false at the worst possible time. Continue reading
Posted in Inflation, MN Gordon
Tagged collapse, federal reserve, jamie dimon, jp morgan chase, repo madness
Living On Borrowed Time
Practicality the entirety of Congress now believes that the ability to pay should not limit the ability to promise people whatever they want. There’s no poll of members of Congress to support this assertion. We base it on what they’ve communicated by real, material actions. Continue reading
Posted in Government Debt, MN Gordon
Tagged debt, default, federal reserve, hotel alexandria, population demographics
How the Fed Robs You of Your Life
The inflation of the money supply, in effect, distorts the prices of goods and services. Subsequent units of a good or service may have a reduced utility, though, over time, their nominal cost increases. This also undermines individual savings…and robs savers – that’s you – of their lives… Continue reading