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Tag Archives: federal reserve
Will Larry Summers Save the World Again?
Modern macroeconomics is a boring and dreary trade. The monthly report outs on GDP, unemployment, inflation, and other data aggregates, are a dull waste of time. What decisions could you possibly make to improve your lot in life from these data reports? Continue reading
Posted in MN Gordon, Politics
Tagged committee to save the world, federal reserve, janet yellen, jerome powell, larry legend, larry summers
Financial Repression 101
Bad ideas are flourishing like Washington lobbyists. Just look around. It’s near impossible to blink without countless crackpot ideas coming into view. What’s more, the worse an idea is, the more popular it becomes. Continue reading
Posted in Government Debt, MN Gordon
Tagged debt monetization, federal reserve, financial repression, interest rate, S&P500
The Fed’s Two Disagreeable Choices
Dr. Fauci – a quack – is disturbed by all the holdouts. He wants to “full-court press” the selfish anti-vaxxers who refuse to take one for the team. Continue reading
Posted in Inflation, MN Gordon
Tagged federal reserve, government meddling, interest rate, janet yellen, jerome powell
Fifty Basis Points To Disaster
Fiscal stimulus, including the latest $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act, is a terrible joke. And the means for financing it is a terrible fraud. A massive deficit, piled upon a mammoth debt, made possible by dollar debasement. Continue reading
Posted in Economy, MN Gordon
Tagged federal reserve, fiscal stimulus, monetizing debt, orange county bankruptcy, robert citron