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Tag Archives: federal reserve
13 Reckonings for America
One of the noteworthy features of the political climate in the USA is the lack of agreement on what the facts are – and how the economy should be allowed to function. Should it be a hands-off laissez-faire economy? Should there be more regulatory intervention? Continue reading
Posted in MN Gordon, Politics
Tagged alexander fraser tytler, collapse, consumer price index, debt, federal reserve
Are You Unknowingly on a Suicide Mission?
The transfer of wealth from workers and savers to the government and the big banks rolled on this week with Swiss-like precision. The process is both mechanical and subtle. Here in the USA the automated elegance of this ongoing operation receives little attention. Continue reading
Dumb Reasons Why More QE Is Coming
Debt, deficits, and debt interest payments have crippled America’s finances in a way that only a government of corrupt clowns could have made possible. Decades of overspending are coming home to roost. We all get to live with the consequences. Continue reading
Posted in Government Debt, MN Gordon
Tagged congress, debt, federal reserve, QE, treasuries
Mistakes from the Past
Over the last three weeks something unexpected by the Fed has happened. The yield on the 10-Year Treasury didn’t follow the Fed’s rate cut down. Rather, it did the opposite. It went up. Continue reading
Posted in Inflation, MN Gordon
Tagged arthur burns, federal reserve, government meddling, interest rate, jerome powell
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