Tag Archives: collapse

A Stock Market Spectacular

What a week.  Can you believe it?  Stock prices have gone bipolar.  What is going on? According to “Bond King” Bill Gross, “The good times are over.”  He’s predicting “minus signs in front of the returns for many asset classes” … Continue reading

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What to Buy as the Great Unraveling Gets Underway

The Federal Reserve’s open market committee meeting is taking place today and tomorrow.  Central to their discussion are the two words “considerable time.”  Have you ever heard something so nonsensical?  What gives? It all started several months ago when Janet … Continue reading

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Consumers Don’t Stand a Chance

Most economists don’t do any favors for the esteem of their trade.  They take ideas a third grader would know are idiotic and champion them with bluster and bravado.  Hardly a day goes by where some economist doesn’t prove he’s … Continue reading

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Buyer’s Remorse

The stock market was clobbered on Tuesday.  The DOW sold off 272 points.  What did it mean?  Was it an indicator the market is finally rolling over, as we’ve anticipated for some time?  Or was it just another head fake … Continue reading

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