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Category Archives: MN Gordon
Has Joe Biden Lost His Mind?
The current price tag for unfunded liabilities – for Social Security, Medicare (Parts A, B, and D), federal debt held by the public, and federal employee and veteran benefits – is $158.9 trillion. Again, GDP’s just $18.6 trillion. Anyone under 50 years old that’s depending on Social Security to supplement them in retirement is toast. Many people older than 50 are also toast. Continue reading
Posted in Government Debt, MN Gordon
Tagged government debt, joe biden, john t flynn, social security, unfunded liabilities
When Boom Turns Into Crack-Up Boom
U.S. dollar printing in its current form is a crude procedure. The Treasury issues debt. The Federal Reserve then expands its balance sheet, creating credit from nothing, and loans it to the Treasury. The U.S. government then spends the debt based money into the economy via federal contracts, programs, and, now, stimmy checks. Continue reading
Posted in Economy, MN Gordon
Tagged central planning, crack-up boom, credit expansion, joe biden, ludwig von mises
Fruits Of Inflation Are Blossoming
A bountiful harvest can always be demanded from the land. So, too, a bountiful supply of money can be demanded from the central bank. But remember, in an economy, like a harvest, you reap what you sow. What we mean is all money is not created equal. Continue reading
Posted in Inflation, MN Gordon
Tagged central planning, joe biden, modern monetary theory, ralph waldo emerson, soviet union
Let The Good Times Roll
The storming of the U.S. Capitol Building on Wednesday was a wacky and wild escapade. But it shouldn’t be a surprise. These things happen when a nation’s in decline. And, as Wednesday demonstrated, America’s recline and flail goes on. Continue reading
Posted in MN Gordon, Politics
Tagged chuck schumer, collapse, debt, decline, nancy pelosi