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Category Archives: Inflation
Paying the Price for Krugman’s Terrible Mistake
Clear economic thinking and lucid communication via the written word tumbled out of fashion nearly 100 years ago. The fall from grace was triggered by the 1936 publication of John Maynard Keynes’ The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money. Continue reading
Posted in Inflation, MN Gordon
Tagged cpi, GDP, janet yellen, paul krugman, the new york times
Modern Monetary Theory Bites the Dust
Fashion changes from one year to the next so fast it’s best to ignore it. Not only will you save money by not chasing the latest shiny object. You’ll also retain more of the most valuable commodity of all. Your time. Continue reading
Posted in Inflation, MN Gordon
Tagged ice cube, mmt, modern monetary theory, stephanie kelton, the deficit myth
How Inflation Got Away from Washington Screw Ups
Being a government hack has its advantages. You get eleven paid holidays per year. You get promoted for poor performance. The benefits are superb. Best of all, you can get remarkably rich…even if you’re a screw up. Continue reading
Posted in Inflation, MN Gordon
Tagged federal reserve, janet yellen, jerome powell, joe biden, kamala harris, treasury
What’s Up With Gold?
Amidst a backdrop of raging consumer price inflation something strange and unexpected is going on. The U.S. dollar has become more valuable. Not against goods and services. But against foreign currencies. Continue reading