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Category Archives: Inflation
Why the Fed Destroyed the Market Economy
Swing voters are a fickle bunch. One election they vote Democrat. The next they vote Republican. For they have no particular ideology or political philosophy to base their judgement upon. They don’t give a rip about questions of small government … Continue reading
Posted in Inflation, MN Gordon
Tagged donald trump, federal reserve, government meddling, interest rate, neel kashkari
Yarns, Mysteries, and the CPI
Several ill-defined economic waypoints were unveiled this week. Namely, the Labor Department’s July consumer price index report. According to the government data, on whole, consumer prices for the month didn’t change one iota. Reportedly, energy prices went down, food prices … Continue reading
Down Goes the Hopes and Dreams of Three Generations
The yield on the 10-Year Treasury note’s accelerating its descent toward zero. The last we checked the yield was at about 1.56 percent. But in every practical sense, for income investors, a yield of 1.56 percent may as well be … Continue reading
Posted in Inflation, MN Gordon
Tagged federal reserve, government meddling, interest rate, janet yellen, treasuries
Gold Stampede Imminent
The mass impulse of a cattle stampede can be triggered by something as innocuous as a blowing tumbleweed. A sudden startle, or a perceived threat, is all it takes to setoff this mass uncontrolled running. Once the herd collectively begins … Continue reading
Posted in Inflation, MN Gordon
Tagged 1930s economy, 1970s economy, crashes, gold, manias, panics, stampede
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