Tag Archives: neel kashkari

This Recession Won’t Stop It

One solution to inflation is a recession. An economic downturn where people lose their jobs and are forced to tighten their belts would reduce demand for goods and services. This could slow the rate of consumer price inflation. It may even lead to deflation. Continue reading

Posted in Economy, MN Gordon | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Where Did Neel Kashkari’s Infinite Cash Go?

On April 10, 2020, at the apex of mass coronavirus hysteria, Minneapolis Fed President Neel Kashkari appeared on 60 Minutes. With eyes bugging out of his head, he offered a critical insight. That the Federal Reserve has “infinite cash” and will do whatever it needs to make sure there is enough cash in the banking system. Continue reading

Posted in MN Gordon, Politics | Tagged , , , , | 3 Comments

The Fed’s Answer to the Ghastly Monster of its Creation

As the economy stalls out in 2020, U.S. deficits are going to jump to over $2 trillion a year – and will stay there.  So, too, the national debt will run up towards $40 trillion over the next decade.  The Fed, through YCC or some other wild scheme, will take on the dirty deed of monetizing this debt.  They’ll create money from nothing and loan it to the Treasury. Continue reading

Posted in MN Gordon, Politics | Tagged , , , , | 14 Comments

Japan’s Yield Curve Control Regime is Coming to America

The central planners at the Fed and the U.S. Treasury, like the central planners at the BOJ, want a yield curve that looks just right. Namely, they want a yield curve that uniformly steps up like topographic elevation curves step up from California’s Death Valley along the face of the Eastern Sierra to the Mount Whitney summit. Continue reading

Posted in Government Debt, MN Gordon | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment