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Category Archives: Inflation
“The Future Ain’t What It Used to Be”
The populace, through a long sequence of self-inflicted economic and social depravities, has a bazillion and one fire ants up its pantaloons. What’s more, they don’t like the uneven mix of pain and panic this provokes. But they aren’t quite sure how to put a stop to it. Continue reading
Posted in Inflation, MN Gordon
Tagged alan greenspan, federal reserve, john maynard keynes, price controls, yogi berra
The Categorical Insanity of Central Banking
Currency debasement. Asset price inflation. Booms, bubbles, and busts. Yes, folks, central bankers have succeeded at making full hash of the world at large. This goes for the Federal Reserve too. Continue reading
Posted in Inflation, MN Gordon
Tagged central banking, central planning, federal reserve, fomc, limpia
The Zealous Pursuit of State Sponsored Wealth Destruction
The lifecycle of capital follows a wide-ranging succession. It is imagined, produced, consumed, and destroyed. How exactly this all takes place involves varying and infinite undulations. One generation may produce wealth. While the next generation burns through it. Various facets … Continue reading
Posted in Inflation, MN Gordon
Tagged collapse, consumer price index, federal reserve, jerome powell, president trump, wealth destruction
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Are the Voices in Fed President Kashkari’s Head Speaking Lies?
The government continues its approach towards full meltdown. The stock market does too. But when it comes down to it, these are mere distractions from the bigger breakdown that’s bearing down upon us. The average working stiff has little time … Continue reading
Posted in Inflation, MN Gordon
Tagged interest rate, jerome powell, monetizing debt, neel kashkari, treasuries