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Category Archives: Economy
Why Labor Productivity Has Collapsed
Recession. Raging consumer price inflation. A Presidential administration that seeks to confuse and obfuscate what’s really going on. These are the realities facing American workers in the dog days of August circa 2022. Continue reading
Posted in Economy, MN Gordon
Tagged bureau of labor statistics, cpi, government meddling, interest rate, labor productivity
What Happens When Work Doesn’t Pay
Jobs data reported this week by the Bureau of Labor Statistics show that, as of the last business day of June, there are 10.7 million job openings. Hence, according to the numbers, there are many more available jobs than willing workers. Continue reading
Posted in Economy, MN Gordon
Tagged bureau of labor statistics, GDP, government meddling, janet yellen, jobs
How Central Planners Sow Seeds of Economic Ruin
U.S. money printers have recklessly sown dollars in fruitless places over the last 50-years. They’ve squandered opportunities for greater economic growth by sprinkling debt based money into fields with little to no potential for productivity. Continue reading
Posted in Economy, MN Gordon
Tagged central planning, collapse, government meddling, parable of the sower, taxes
How Quantitative Tightening Ends
The pursuit of decadence is always met with the painful reality that stopping the excess is much more difficult than starting. This realization, like a killer in the night, lies in wait until just after the point of no return. When the certain destruction cannot be undone. Continue reading
Posted in Economy, MN Gordon
Tagged ben bernanke, jamie dimon, janet yellen, john maynard keynes, quantitative easing, quantitative tightening