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Monthly Archives: March 2019
How to Escape Like Willie Boy
The America we thought we knew – the country we learned about in grade school – vanished long ago. In truth, it was gone well before we stepped foot in our first classroom. But America’s myths and legends remain. Continue reading
Posted in Economy, MN Gordon
Tagged idyllwild, legends, myths, tahquitz peak, willie boy
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Is Inflation Beginning? Are You Ready?
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it,” remarked George Santayana over 100 years ago. These words, as strung together in this sequence, certainly sound good. But how to render them to actionable advice is less certain. Continue reading
Posted in Inflation, MN Gordon
Tagged a. gary shilling, bill gross, business cycle, gold, treasuries
Why Government Control Is Overrated
There is much confusion from Republicans and Democrats about what’s torturing the American landscape. Middle American red state towns have slipped into a self-induced opioid coma. Wealthy blue state cities along the east and west coasts are rotting from the inside out. Continue reading
Posted in MN Gordon, Politics
Tagged democrats, government control, john maynard keynes, republicans, soviet socialists
Fake Money’s Face Value Deceit
Shane Anthony Mele stumbled off the straight and narrow path many years ago. One bad decision here. Another there. And he was neck deep in the smelly stuff. Continue reading
Posted in Government Debt, MN Gordon
Tagged currency debasement, fake money, federal reserve, morgan dollar, shane anthony mele