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Tag Archives: S&P500
Are You Gambling with Your Retirement Account?
And just like that. The year is half over. Can you believe it? Hardly the blink of an eye ago we were putting the final touches on our one great big nasty prediction for 2023 – that China will invade … Continue reading
Posted in MN Gordon, Stock Market
Tagged buffett indicator, DOW, NASDAQ, S&P500, treasuries
Are You Unknowingly in the Impact Zone?
The S&P 500 has become increasingly risky over the last six months as the top technology stocks have bubbled up. Because of this, the portfolios of many investors are now unknowingly in the impact zone. And they will get absolutely drilled when the market resumes its next bear market leg down. Continue reading
Posted in MN Gordon, Stock Market
Tagged collapse, consumer price index, government meddling, interest rate, S&P500
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What the End of Fed Rate Hikes Means for Stocks
Here in the wooded mountains of East Tennessee the vegetated growth is so dense it shuts off the adjacent view. Hollers, as they’re called in southern Appalachia, are undetectable. And in an instant, things can go terribly wrong. Continue reading
Posted in MN Gordon, Stock Market
Tagged ben bernanke, dennis martin, federal reserve, S&P500, smoky mountains, southern appalachia
Fear and Greed with a Roll of the Dice
Bear markets take time. They also provide countless occasions to lose money. With each bounce comes an opportunity for investors to buy higher so they can later sell lower. Continue reading
Posted in MN Gordon, Stock Market
Tagged fear and greed, jeremy grantham, reversion to the mean, S&P500, warren buffett