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Tag Archives: federal reserve
What Comes After the Great Liquidation
Expectations were great. When 2023 started, there was a general sense that the stock and bond markets had turned over a new leaf. A repeat of 2022 was out of the question. Continue reading
Posted in Economy, MN Gordon
Tagged federal reserve, interest rate, jerome powell, saving, treasuries
Cross Road Blues in the Time of Biden
When Robert Johnson fell to his knees at the crossroad and asked the Lord for mercy and salvation he’d already made his deal with the Devil. In exchange for his soul, Johnson could sing and play the soulful sweet-sounding blues that made him famous. Continue reading
Posted in MN Gordon, Politics
Tagged cross road blues, deal with the devil, federal reserve, joe biden, robert johnson, woodrow wilson
Are You the Collateral Damage of Central Planners?
The Conference Board – a nonprofit think tank that delivers cutting edge research – recently published its latest Leading Economic Index (LEI) for the United States. The findings were a giant bummer. In December, the LEI dropped for the tenth consecutive month. Continue reading
Posted in MN Gordon, Politics
Tagged business cycle, central planning, collapse, debt, federal reserve
Are You Prepared for a Hard Landing?
How will the economy react to interest rates that remain relatively higher for longer? By this, the idea that there will be a soft landing seems highly unlikely. The economy, after decades of ultra-low interest rates, is not equipped to easily accommodate a sustained period of relatively higher interest rates. Continue reading
Posted in MN Gordon, Stock Market
Tagged collapse, debt, dollar, federal reserve, hard landing, S&P500