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Tag Archives: federal reserve
Do You Hear a Bell Ringing?
The sun shines brightest across the North American continent as we enter summer’s dog days. Cold sweet lemonade is the refreshment of choice at ballparks and swimming holes alike. Many people drink it after cutting the grass, or whenever else a respite from the heat and some thirst quenching satisfaction is needed. Continue reading
Posted in MN Gordon, Stock Market
Tagged chicago pmi, corporate debt, donald trump, federal reserve, jerome powell, S&P 500, wall street
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Tending Towards Maximum Perversity
According to Finagle’s corollary to Murphy’s law, “Anything that can go wrong, will—at the worst possible moment.” Taken a degree further, per O’Toole’s corollary of Finagle’s law, and the second law of thermodynamics, “The perversity of the Universe tends towards a maximum.” Continue reading
Posted in Government Debt, MN Gordon
Tagged bailouts, central planning, collapse, federal reserve, general motors
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The Four Dimensions of the Fake Money Order
“If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there,” is a quote that’s oft misattributed to Lewis Carrol. The fact that there’s ambiguity about who’s behind this quote on ambiguity seems fitting. Continue reading
Posted in Inflation, MN Gordon
Tagged collapse, fake money, federal reserve, government meddling, jerome powell
Fed Chair Powell’s Plan to Pickle the Economy
Once a cucumber becomes a pickle it can never be a cucumber again. Indeed, financial markets have been pickled over to no end. What’s more, Fed Chair Powell’s efforts to unpickle QE were met with howls from the President, Wall Street, and Larry Kudlow. Continue reading
Posted in Economy, MN Gordon
Tagged central planning, DOW, dow 27000, federal reserve, jerome powell