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Tag Archives: debt
What To Do When The Planets Diverge
Planets Jupiter and Saturn came into closer alignment than any time since 1226 this week. Yet the planets in Washington did not align. The federal government was unable to ‘Christmas tree’ its stimulus bill. Continue reading
Posted in MN Gordon, Stock Market
Tagged alignment, debt, dow 30000, jupiter, merry christmas, saturn
Loathe for the Stimulus Era
The days in the northern hemisphere inch shorter. The predawn darkness greets us as we step down our front stoop in the morning. Nightfall welcomes us when we return in the evening. Yet while the days inch shorter. The stock market zigs and zags. One day it’s fear. The next day it’s greed. Continue reading
Posted in Economy, MN Gordon
Tagged coronavirus, debt, federal reserve, jerome powell, stimulus
What You Will Find When You Follow the Money
It has been a rough go for California Governor Gavin Newsom. Late last week it was revealed that the state Department of Public Health had tickled the poodle on its COVID-19 record keeping. Somehow the bureaucrats in Sacramento undercounted new coronavirus cases by as many as 300,000. Continue reading
Black Lives Matter: An Immodest Suggestion
Here at the Economic Prism we hesitate to offer advice. We don’t know the answers. We hardly know the questions. But we do observe, contemplate, and reflect. And as far as we can tell the BLM movement is empty of ideas and without direction. Hence, from a place of modesty, we offer an immodest suggestion. Continue reading
Posted in Government Debt, MN Gordon
Tagged black lives matter, debt, GDP, semiconductor engineers, zombie economics