Tag Archives: collapse

The Federal Reserve is a Barbarous Relic

Today, at the risk of being called Chicken Little, we tug on a thread that weaves back to the ancient Celts. Our message is grave: The sky is falling. Though the implications are still unclear. Continue reading

Posted in Economy, MN Gordon | Tagged , , , , | 4 Comments

How to Prepare as the Fed Scorches the Earth

The hillsides are always brown in the land of fruits and nuts come autumn. After baking away all summer long in the hot sun, the dense sage and chaparral covering the coastal hillsides and canyons are dry and toasty. Though, before conditions get better, they must first get worse. Continue reading

Posted in Economy, MN Gordon | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Final Collapse is Inexorable

This week central planners pursued their primary mission with steadfast conviction. They planned. They prodded. They prearranged tomorrow to save us from ourselves. Some also grubbed a little graft for their trouble. Continue reading

Posted in Government Debt, MN Gordon | Tagged , , , , | 13 Comments

Fiat Money Cannibalization in America

Failure of the debt based fiat money system is at stake. The Fed will do everything they can to keep it alive. They’ll keep at it, debasing the dollar around the clock, until the precise moment it cannibalizes itself. Continue reading

Posted in Inflation, MN Gordon | Tagged , , , , , | 3 Comments