Tag Archives: collapse

Facing Down a Wrath of Biblical Proportions

An enterprising entrepreneur did a comedic graphic of Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell captioned: “IN JPOW WE TRUST.” You may have seen it. The image shows Powell flamboyantly wearing a preacher’s robe and making an esoteric hand gesture with his right hand. His face is grimacing like he’s passing a kidney stone. Continue reading

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How Central Planners Sow Seeds of Economic Ruin

U.S. money printers have recklessly sown dollars in fruitless places over the last 50-years. They’ve squandered opportunities for greater economic growth by sprinkling debt based money into fields with little to no potential for productivity. Continue reading

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Finding Opportunities in a Bear Market

“I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people.” The remark was made by Sir Isaac Newton in 1720 upon losing £20,000 – a substantial sum at the time – speculating on South Sea Company stock. The madness of people, as Newton painfully found, is incalculable. It defies logic. Runs on emotion. And is best observed from a safe distance. Continue reading

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Is It Game Over For Washington Checkers Players?

The United States and Western Europe are playing checkers. Russia and China are playing chess. This mismatch is grossly evidenced by the recent salvos in the financial warfare being waged between NATO allies and the burgeoning Sino-Russian alliance.
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