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Category Archives: Stock Market
“Where is the Outlook Most Miserable?”
Templeton borrowed a then-hefty sum of $10,000 ($192,282 in today’s dollars) and bought shares of 104 companies trading at $1 per share or less. He had a hunch that although the general sentiment at that time was extremely negative, the war was actually going to fuel the economy. Continue reading
Posted in MN Gordon, Stock Market
Tagged contrarian, diversification, john templeton, patience, templeton growth fund
Do You Hear the Bells Ringing?
There’s an old Wall Street adage, you’ve likely heard it, “No one rings a bell at the top (or bottom) of the market.” Continue reading
Posted in MN Gordon, Stock Market
Tagged fraud, ivar kreuger, market top, ponzi scheme, suicide, swedish match king
Betting The Farm On Moonshots
Betting your life savings on the turn of a roulette wheel – or digital NFT art – is remarkably dumb. Yet after a decade long bull market that has now inflated into a real McCoy bubble, anything is possible. Continue reading
Posted in MN Gordon, Stock Market
Tagged burnt banksy, digital nft art, moonshots, tesla, warnymph
Did You Make Janet Yellen Rich?
Up until the WallStreetBets crowd short squeezed Melvin Capital for a $7 billion loss, Robinhood had it made. But losing billions is stressful. And when your product blows up your customer the clucking that follows comes hot and heavy. Continue reading
Posted in MN Gordon, Stock Market
Tagged citadel, janet yellen, melvin capital, robinhood, vlad tenev, wallstreetbets