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Category Archives: MN Gordon
What Happens When the Chickens Come Home to Roost?
What happens when the chickens come home to roost? This is today’s question. But what is the answer? In just a moment we’ll offer several thoughts and ruminations. First, however, we must take stock of the chickens… Continue reading
Posted in Inflation, MN Gordon
Tagged ben bernanke, collapse, consumer price index, federal reserve, jerome powell
Is the Great Post-Pandemic Boom a Great Big Dud?
Prices, remember, are information. And when that information is falsified by an abundance of fake money, businesses and individuals are compelled to do things that would otherwise be nonsensical. Of course, the market with the most falsified prices – the credit market – is also the most prone to compelling destructive behavior. Continue reading
Posted in Economy, MN Gordon
Tagged financial repression, lean hogs, lumber, price distortions, raw sugar
Independence Day in America Circa 2021
The days are long and hot in the Northern Hemisphere when real American patriots spit upon their hands and hoist the stars and stripes. On July 4th, the free and brave, with duty and self-sacrifice, begrudgingly accept federal holiday pay to stand tall upon their own two feet. Rugged individualism and uncompromising independence are essential to their character. Continue reading
Posted in MN Gordon, Politics
Tagged creative destruction, independence day, joseph schumpeter, steve rocco, world industries
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Do You Hear the Bells Ringing?
There’s an old Wall Street adage, you’ve likely heard it, “No one rings a bell at the top (or bottom) of the market.” Continue reading
Posted in MN Gordon, Stock Market
Tagged fraud, ivar kreuger, market top, ponzi scheme, suicide, swedish match king