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Category Archives: MN Gordon
Are You Vulnerable to Physical Violence?
The U.S. government’s 2021 fiscal year came and went like Dow 36,000. With respect to the latter, authors James Glassman and Kevin Hassett were only off by 17 years in their 1999 forecast of Dow 36,000 by 2005. At this point, the attainment of their prediction is a giant letdown. With respect to the former, we have a question: Does President Biden have any idea that the government he pretends to oversee is skirting the edge of insolvency? Continue reading
Posted in Government Debt, MN Gordon
Tagged 2021 fiscal year, collapse, depression, dow 36000, tesla, violence
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Bidenvilles for Christmas
Here in the land of fruits and nuts things have always been a little whacky and wild. The people and the politics in the state’s urban centers have the uncanny ability to bring out the worst in each other. The coronavirus travesty has only magnified these character failings. Continue reading
Posted in Economy, MN Gordon
Tagged bidenville, big:leap, long beach, the jungle, tin foil hats
Walking the Path of Self Destruction
The era of stimmy checks and cheap consumer goods was fun while it lasted. Like a hot lunch, it always tastes better when free. The smell is more aromatic. The bites are more flavorful. Most of all, the belly leaves the table more contented. But is a free lunch ever really free? Continue reading
Posted in Economy, MN Gordon
Tagged atlanta federal reserve, gdpnow, government meddling, monetizing debt, no free lunch
Are You Prepared for the Mass Repricing of Goods and Services?
Rising consumer price inflation is not going away. This, of course, is counter to the “transitory” argument made by Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell earlier this year. Continue reading
Posted in Inflation, MN Gordon
Tagged debt ceiling, dollar, jerome powell, levi strauss, raphael bostic