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Category Archives: Economy
The Hollow Promise of a Statist Economy
Not a day goes by that doesn’t supply a new specimen of inane disclarity. Muddy ideas are dredged up from tainted minds like lumps of odorous pond muck. We do our part to clean up the mess, whether we want to or not. Continue reading
Posted in Economy, MN Gordon
Tagged central planning, federal reserve, government action, socialism, statist
Dead Meat in Jackson Hole
This Thursday through Saturday, for the 37th consecutive year, the Kansas City Federal Reserve is hosting its economic symposium in Jackson Hole. Central bankers from the Federal Reserve have descended upon the valley like 19th century fur trappers. Who they bill their expense reports to is a question that’s better not asked. Continue reading
Posted in Economy, MN Gordon
Tagged economic symposium, jackson hole, jerome powell, kansas city federal reserve, negative yield debt
Fed Chair Powell’s Plan to Pickle the Economy
Once a cucumber becomes a pickle it can never be a cucumber again. Indeed, financial markets have been pickled over to no end. What’s more, Fed Chair Powell’s efforts to unpickle QE were met with howls from the President, Wall Street, and Larry Kudlow. Continue reading
Posted in Economy, MN Gordon
Tagged central planning, DOW, dow 27000, federal reserve, jerome powell
Why Fed Chair Powell’s a Laughingstock
Powell believes this ”technical adjustment” will compel banks with excess reserves parked at the Fed to pursue better returns elsewhere. Powell also believes lowering the IOER rate will keep the federal funds rate from deviating above its upper range. Continue reading
Posted in Economy, MN Gordon
Tagged federal reserve, GDP, government meddling, jerome powell, monetary policy