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Category Archives: Economy
Is the Fed Secretly Bailing Out a Major Bank?
The promise of something for nothing is always an enticing proposition. Who doesn’t want roses without thorns, rainbows without rain, and salvation without repentance? So, too, who doesn’t want a few extra basis points of yield above the 10-year Treasury note at no added risk? Continue reading
Posted in Economy, MN Gordon
Tagged bailout, collateralized loan obligations, financial innovation, leveraged loans, toxic waste
The Federal Reserve is a Barbarous Relic
Today, at the risk of being called Chicken Little, we tug on a thread that weaves back to the ancient Celts. Our message is grave: The sky is falling. Though the implications are still unclear. Continue reading
Posted in Economy, MN Gordon
Tagged bill dudley, collapse, debt, federal reserve, paul samuelson
How to Prepare as the Fed Scorches the Earth
The hillsides are always brown in the land of fruits and nuts come autumn. After baking away all summer long in the hot sun, the dense sage and chaparral covering the coastal hillsides and canyons are dry and toasty. Though, before conditions get better, they must first get worse. Continue reading
Posted in Economy, MN Gordon
Tagged collapse, federal reserve, GDP, santa ana winds, scorched earth policies
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America’s Road Map to $40 Trillion National Debt by 2028
Watch out! At this very moment, professional economists of all stripes are making plans on your behalf. They’re dreaming and scheming new and innovative ways to spend your money long before you’ve earned it. Continue reading
Posted in Economy, MN Gordon
Tagged debt, default, government action, modern monetary theory, pre-emptive stimulus