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Category Archives: Economy
Boeing’s Bean Counter Culture and Mass Financialization
The demise of Boeing culminated in late-2018 and early-2019 when the company’s revamped 737, the 737 MAX, suffered two systems malfunction induced crashes. This prompted aviation authorities around the world to ground the 737 MAX. Continue reading
Posted in Economy, MN Gordon
Tagged bailout, bean counter, boeing, coronavirus, william boeing
Your 12-Point Great Depression II Survival Guide
And just like that – after a magnificent 11 year run – the bull market in U.S. stocks is dead. From its peak close of 29,551 on February 12 through yesterday’s [Thursday] close of 21,200, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) has dropped over 28 percent – in just 30 days! RIP. Continue reading
Posted in Economy, MN Gordon
Tagged bear market, bull market, federal reserve, great depression ii, survival guide
Destruction By Definition
Major U.S. stock market indexes yo-yoed about all week. On Monday, panic selling from last week turned to panic buying. Decades of Fed intervention have conditioned stock market investors to step in front of semi-trucks to scoop up nickels. Continue reading
Posted in Economy, MN Gordon
Tagged coronavirus, dollar, DOW, federal reserve, state of emergency
China’s Debts are Coming Due at the Worst Possible Time
The economic consequences of coronavirus are quickly piling up like garbage along the streets of Los Angeles. Breaking supply chains, closed Chinese factories, iPhone disruptions, and massive shortages of Chinese made products. These developments will most definitely get worse before they get better. Continue reading