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Tag Archives: debt
Tasting the Forbidden Fruit
Make no mistake, consumers and businesses got themselves into this mess. No one held a gun to their heads and forced them to borrow money. They did it to themselves. Continue reading
Posted in Business, MN Gordon
Tagged debt, forbidden fruit, interest rate, saving, thinking, treasuries
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How the Fed Retarded the Residential Real Estate Market
Even though houses are completely unaffordable, prices remain high because the supply is ultra-constrained. The Fed, in essence, retarded the residential real estate market. Only well-intentioned central planners could accomplish such a feat. Continue reading
Posted in Inflation, MN Gordon
Tagged debt, default, federal reserve, real estate, treasuries
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How Washington Ruined America’s Future
United States Secretary of Treasury Janet Yellen has an incredible job. She writes rubber checks to pay America’s bills. Yet, somehow, the rubber checks don’t bounce. Instead, like magic, they clear. Continue reading
Posted in Government Debt, MN Gordon
Tagged debt, GDP, government action, interest rate, janet yellen
Welcome to the Era of Targeted Bailouts
Here at the Economic Prism, we’re opposed to market intervention and bailouts of all colors and stripes. The conceit of it all, that a collection of unelected bureaucrats knows what’s best for a 330-million-person economy, sticks in our craw like a broken chicken bone. Continue reading
Posted in Inflation, MN Gordon
Tagged bailouts, business cycle, debt, default, fed put, federal reserve
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