Tag Archives: collapse

An Absolute Disaster?

Last Thursday the DOW surpassed 17,000 for the first time ever.  What a marvelous achievement.  The combined forces of mass money creation and speculative fervor have bid up the market to levels a person of sound mind and honest intentions … Continue reading

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How to Prepare Now for the Greatest Show on Earth

Last weekend we received a mailer from the city water department.  Long Beach has returned to water rationing.  Turf and landscape irrigation is only allowed on Monday, Thursday, and Saturday…before 9am or after 4pm. No doubt, it’s hot and dry.  … Continue reading

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Putin’s Revenge?

Buying low and selling high is an investment strategy that guarantees success.  But few are capable of doing it.  Most people have an uncanny ability to buy high and sell low. They’d rather buy Facebook at 80 times earnings than … Continue reading

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This Market’s Ready to Implode

Until about this time last month, the world was practically flawless.  Stocks were on the march.  They were generally moving onward and upward as the Fed had ordained them. New Fed Chair, Janet Yellon, was finding her way too…completing the … Continue reading

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