Tag Archives: collapse

One Heck of a Reality Television Fight

Economic nationalism and the China bugaboo is shaping up to be one heck of a reality television fight. This is a cause that idiots on both sides can line up behind with gusto. Continue reading

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What Were They Thinking?

One benefit of hindsight is that it imparts a cheap superiority over the past blunders of others.  We certainly make more mistakes than we’d care to admit.  Why not look down our nose and acquire some lessons learned from the mistakes of others? Continue reading

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Unsolicited Advice to Fed Chair Powell

Behind closed doors, President Trump and Fed Chair Jay Powell are in freak out mode.  President Trump wants lower interest rates and artificial stimulus to fabricate GDP growth into the 2020 election year.  His prospects for a second term in office depend on it. Fed Chair Powell knows the economy’s toast.  Annualized GDP growth for the first quarter of 2019 was recently estimated at just 1.3 percent.  But he cannot yet admit it.  Specifically, he cannot cut rates just yet without triggering a market panic. Continue reading

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As the Madness Turns

This is the mad world we live in. A world that will only get madder as policies of desperation are rolled out in earnest to keep the price of money cheap, the price of assets high, and the government swindlers in Washington flush with money borrowed on the backs of the unborn. But make no mistake, this madness will turn. First it will turn to fear, then to anger, and then to death… Continue reading

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