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Category Archives: Politics
Where Did Neel Kashkari’s Infinite Cash Go?
On April 10, 2020, at the apex of mass coronavirus hysteria, Minneapolis Fed President Neel Kashkari appeared on 60 Minutes. With eyes bugging out of his head, he offered a critical insight. That the Federal Reserve has “infinite cash” and will do whatever it needs to make sure there is enough cash in the banking system. Continue reading
Posted in MN Gordon, Politics
Tagged $700 billion, boom and bust, infinite cash, neel kashkari, tarp
Lies, Witch Hunts, and America’s Next Rendezvous with Madness
Today, science has rolled away many of the fantastic horrors that our ancestors grappled with. Still, there are phenomena that remain which science and philosophy cannot readily explain. That is to say, there are mysteries and unknowns that cannot be reconciled like fitting together pieces of a puzzle. Continue reading
Posted in MN Gordon, Politics
Tagged gallows hill, madness, reverend samuel parris, salem witch trials, tituba
Are You Willing to Starve for the Greater Good?
Central planners are pulling double shifts. Contriving plans and proposals to control what you consume, how you travel and cook, where your money is spent, and much, much more. Continue reading
Posted in MN Gordon, Politics
Tagged agriculture, central planning, climate crisis, das kapital, famine, karl marx
How Corruption Makes You Poor
Are you the type of person who works hard, saves money, and invests with the intent of accumulating lasting wealth? If so, you’ve likely noticed that things don’t quite add up between what you’re regularly told about how the economy and financial markets work and what you actually experience. We think there’s more to this than just dollars and cents. Continue reading
Posted in MN Gordon, Politics
Tagged banana reupublic, corruption, digital age, prices, surveillance