Tag Archives: xi jinping

Tang Ping in the Year of the Dragon

The Chinese New Year begins on Saturday, February 10. According to the Chinese horoscope 2024 is the year of the dragon. Specifically, the wood dragon. Continue reading

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One Great Big Nasty Prediction for 2023

Welcome to 2023! The New Year’s edition of the Economic Prism is a place of wild conjecture and rough suppositions. A place where abstract thinking is celebrated. Imaginative cycle theories, deep metaphysics, fractal wave patterns, happy accidents, and amateur fortune tellers of all stripes are invited too. Continue reading

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Winnie the Pooh’s Adventures In Fairyland

Up until the Evergrande Group began stiffing creditors, Xi Jinping had it made. But being a communist dictator is serious business. And when the Ponzi finance structure underlying your country’s second largest property developer begins cascading down it’s no laughing matter. Continue reading

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How Xi Jinping will Save the World from Coronavirus

In 1349, when Black Death was ravaging Europe, many of the day’s best and brightest banded together in pursuit of a common cure. They had little choice. Black Death was rapidly spreading across the continent. Nothing could stop it. Continue reading

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