Monthly Archives: March 2021

There’s a Serious Flaw to the Team Powell-Yellen Inflation Scheme

If you’re a wage earner, retiree, or a lowly saver, your wealth is in imminent danger. A lifetime of schlepping and saving could be rapidly vaporized over the next several years. In fact, the forces towards this end have already been set in motion. Continue reading

Posted in Government Debt, MN Gordon | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

The Great Donkification

The U.S. national debt has now eclipsed $28 trillion. The budget deficit for the 2021 fiscal year will likely run up to nearly $3 trillion – possibly more. Hence, it will be financed with printing press money…that is credit created from thin air by the Federal Reserve and loaned to the Treasury. Continue reading

Posted in Government Debt, MN Gordon | Tagged , , , , , | 5 Comments

Fifty Basis Points To Disaster

Fiscal stimulus, including the latest $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act, is a terrible joke. And the means for financing it is a terrible fraud. A massive deficit, piled upon a mammoth debt, made possible by dollar debasement. Continue reading

Posted in Economy, MN Gordon | Tagged , , , , | 52 Comments

Betting The Farm On Moonshots

Betting your life savings on the turn of a roulette wheel – or digital NFT art – is remarkably dumb. Yet after a decade long bull market that has now inflated into a real McCoy bubble, anything is possible. Continue reading

Posted in MN Gordon, Stock Market | Tagged , , , , | 23 Comments