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Monthly Archives: October 2017
The Downright Sinister Rearrangement of Riches
Let’s begin with facts. Cold hard unadorned facts. Water boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit at standard atmospheric pressure. Squaring the circle using a compass and straightedge is impossible. The sun is a star. Facts, of course, must not be confused … Continue reading
Posted in Inflation, MN Gordon
Tagged consumer price index, debt, federal reserve, government meddling, john maynard keynes
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Tales from a Late Stage Bull Market
An endearing quality of a late stage bull market is that it expands the universe of what’s possible. Somehow, rising stock prices make the impossible, possible. They also push the limits of the normal into the paranormal. Last week, for … Continue reading
Posted in MN Gordon, Stock Market
Tagged amazon, bull market, growth, revenue, S&P500, valuation metrics
The Donald Can’t Stop It
The Dow’s march onward and upward toward 30,000 continues without reservation. New record all-time highs are notched practically every day. Despite yesterday’s 31-point pullback, the Dow’s up over 15.5 percent year-to-date. What a remarkable time to be alive. The President, … Continue reading
Federal Reserve President Kashkari’s Masterful Distractions
How is it that seemingly intelligent people, of apparent sound mind and rational thought, can stray so far off the beam? How come there are certain professions that reward their practitioners for their failures? The central banking and monetary policy … Continue reading
Posted in MN Gordon, Politics
Tagged big banks, eric hoffer, federal reserve, neel kashkari, the true believer