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Monthly Archives: April 2016
Gold Stampede Imminent
The mass impulse of a cattle stampede can be triggered by something as innocuous as a blowing tumbleweed. A sudden startle, or a perceived threat, is all it takes to setoff this mass uncontrolled running. Once the herd collectively begins … Continue reading
Posted in Inflation, MN Gordon
Tagged 1930s economy, 1970s economy, crashes, gold, manias, panics, stampede
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Rational Insanity
Dark storm clouds gather along the economic horizon. They multiply ominously with each passing day. The recovery, weak as it has been, has run for nearly seven years. Now it appears to be sputtering and stalling out. On Tuesday, for … Continue reading
Double Whammy Economics
What’s up with the U.S. consumer? They seem to have come to their senses at the worst possible time. They can no longer be counted on to push economic growth up and to the right. Specifically, they’re not spending money … Continue reading
Posted in MN Gordon, Politics
Tagged consumer spending, larry fink, nirp, saving, treasury yields
No Guarantees of Success
Stock picking is an exercise in humility. Ask anyone who has tried it. Chances are their best ideas have gone against them more frequently than they’d care to admit. One thing that makes stock picking so confounding, is that it … Continue reading
Posted in MN Gordon, Stock Market
Tagged buy low sell high, fibonacci sequence, golden ratio, S&P 500, value investing
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