Tag Archives: collapse

What Comes After the Boom

Last week Fed Chair Janet Yellen opted to keep the Fed’s zero interest rate policy in place.  Wall Street cheered the news and bid stock prices up to near record levels.  After more than six years, and over $3 trillion … Continue reading

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Bet Against the House at Your Peril

The stock market’s on edge.  After dropping 278 points last Friday and climbing back 139 points on Monday…the DOW purged 332 points on Tuesday.  Wednesday the DOW gave back another 27.  By yesterday the storm had past.  Sunny skies were … Continue reading

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Lower Gas Prices and the New Global Recession

How about these gas prices?  They’re incredible.  A recent AAA fuel gauge report marked the national average for a gallon of regular gas at just $2.03. That’s down 38 percent from $3.28 a year ago.  At current prices it’s estimated … Continue reading

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Treasury Bubble Redux

Last week, while everyone was busy gawping at the stock market’s wild swings and oil’s epic fall from grace, we set our sights on the 10 Year Treasury note.  On Thursday and Friday the yield touched down at 1.75 percent.  … Continue reading

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