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Tag Archives: central planning
The Hollow Promise of a Statist Economy
Not a day goes by that doesn’t supply a new specimen of inane disclarity. Muddy ideas are dredged up from tainted minds like lumps of odorous pond muck. We do our part to clean up the mess, whether we want to or not. Continue reading
Posted in Economy, MN Gordon
Tagged central planning, federal reserve, government action, socialism, statist
Getting to a Special State of Ugly
The world, circa 2019, is a fabricated reality. Debt, piled upon debt, piled upon debt, ad infinitum, has erected a financial order that’s at perilous odds with the underlying economy. Central bankers attempt to manipulate fake money and fake foreign exchange rates to keep the debt pile from cascading down. Continue reading
Posted in Inflation, MN Gordon
Tagged business cycle, central planning, currency manipulator, federal reserve, people's bank of china
Tending Towards Maximum Perversity
According to Finagle’s corollary to Murphy’s law, “Anything that can go wrong, will—at the worst possible moment.” Taken a degree further, per O’Toole’s corollary of Finagle’s law, and the second law of thermodynamics, “The perversity of the Universe tends towards a maximum.” Continue reading
Posted in Government Debt, MN Gordon
Tagged bailouts, central planning, collapse, federal reserve, general motors
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Feeling the Heat of a Civilization on the Downside
The political, financial, economic, and social foundations that have been in place over the last 75 years – and perhaps, over the last 220 years – are breaking down. And no policy directive, no interest rate adjustment, no trade tariff, no five year plan, no extraordinary measures, no green new deal, and no technocratic prevarication is going to stop it. Big Government doesn’t stand a chance. Continue reading
Posted in Inflation, MN Gordon
Tagged central planning, currency debasement, jerome powell, mario draghi, pucker factor
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