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Category Archives: Politics
Facing Down America’s Myths and Legends
Each generation is disposed to its own unique myths and legends. Perhaps an absence of prior experience is what compels the younger generation to pick up the torch of popular delusion, regardless of whether it’s pure madness. The older generation, on the other hand, may have garnered false expectations through a lifetime spent living in a world that no longer exists. Continue reading
Posted in MN Gordon, Politics
Tagged cahuilla native american, hunter s thompson, idyllwild, legends, myths, tahquitz
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Geopolitical Shocks and Financial Markets
The procession of news through the week – namely that chronicling the aftermath of the targeted drone strike and killing of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani – advanced with an agreeable flow. The reports at the start of the week were that Orange Man Bad had spun up a Middle East mob of whirling dervishes beyond recall. World War III was imminent. Continue reading
Posted in MN Gordon, Politics
Tagged geopolitical shocks, gold, iran, qasem soleimani, risk
Real High Crimes and Misdemeanors
The fake impeachment and the upcoming presidential election are a great big distraction. The real high crimes and misdemeanors, the one all three branches of government and both parties are ignoring, is that Americans are compelled under legal tender laws to use unconstitutional money. Continue reading
Posted in MN Gordon, Politics
Tagged high crimes and misdemeanors, hillary clinton, illegal money, nancy pelosi, trump impeachment
The Fed’s Answer to the Ghastly Monster of its Creation
As the economy stalls out in 2020, U.S. deficits are going to jump to over $2 trillion a year – and will stay there. So, too, the national debt will run up towards $40 trillion over the next decade. The Fed, through YCC or some other wild scheme, will take on the dirty deed of monetizing this debt. They’ll create money from nothing and loan it to the Treasury. Continue reading
Posted in MN Gordon, Politics
Tagged collapse, debt, neel kashkari, S&P500, william jennings bryan